I recently came across one of my Facebook posts that I will forever cherish and wanted to share it with you here.
I have officially completed my yoga teacher training!! Woo hoo :)
I vividly remember making a sudden overnight decision to try the yoga teacher training and teaching the sun salutation on the first day of class. Little did I know then that this small step of joining this training would open doors to profound changes in my life. In the past 8 months, several negative karmic layers have been shedded to reveal and awaken my authentic self! I feel as though my renewed aura radiates a stronger and clearer sense of meaningful purposes, values, attitude and more good stuff.
I dedicate this post to all the loving and divine souls that I am absolutely grateful for in encouraging and supporting me throughout my training. I appreciate all the interesting discussions I had with many of you regarding various topics related to yoga, such as specific books about Hinduism to read, mantras to say or ayurvedic lifestyle to follow. As a result, I also have a deeper zeal for the Indian culture, which includes meditation, spirituality, philosophy, chakras, Sanskrit, gurus, and of course Bollywood, food and fashion.
I am definitely blessed to have embarked on this incredible path, and I look forward to pursuing it further and learning so much more from it!! I end this post with a quote that I find best describes my current yoga journey:
Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, and to the self. ~ The Bhagavad Gita
