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Detox, Detox and Detox!

Writer: Anju SharmaAnju Sharma

Updated: Jun 7, 2020

In recent times, I have come to realize how vital it is to include detoxification in our journey. The purpose of detoxification is to remove anything that contains negative energies so that we can live an optimal life. Every time I #detox, I feel more energetic and happier - why is that? We live in a world that is filled with toxins and negativity, hence we need to regularly detox these energies from our systems. Here are things that I have eliminated.

Products with chemicals: There are numerous products that we consume daily that contain multiple chemicals that are harmful to our bodies. Beauty and personal care products (lipsticks, nail polish, lotions, perfumes) have heavy metals (aluminum, lead, mercury) that get absorbed through the skin and into our blood and organs. Even though Canada has banned over 500 chemical ingredients in cosmetics, USA has only 8. For household products (such as air fresheners, all-purpose cleaner, latex paints), they have phthalates, carcinogens and other things that irritate our nose, eyes and skins. All these chemicals are toxic for our bodies and causing various health issues, such as cancer and infertility. As well, these chemicals harm our environment when using toilet cleaners and disposing of old makeup. Ideally, we need to voice to our global world that stricter regulations are required in regard to harmful chemicals in these products. Until then, we should be choosing products carefully by looking for safe ingredients.

Poor food combination and processed food: In reality, since we have such hectic lives, we tend to buy processed food because it is convenient to get and requires minimal/no preparation. As well, we aren't taught the importance of the right food combinations for our bodies. Did you know that poor combination of food (cold milk with bananas, yogurt with fruits) or processed food (microwaveable meals, ketchup, margarine, protein powder) can lead to indigestion? Processed food contains high amounts of sodium, fats, sugar, additives, and preservatives while bad food combos can inhibit the enzyme system in our digestion. If food is not digested properly, it can remain in the intestines for a long time and produce toxins. They will recirculate into the rest of the body and create imbalances in our physical and mental states. Therefore, eat certain food, such as fruits, on its own or create dishes with fresh simple wholesome produce so that it is easier for the digestive tract to process.

Refined sugar: You have definitely heard about eliminating refined sugars (table sugar, high-fructose corn syrup) from your lifestyle. Juice from sugar cane is highly processed into table sugar, while corn starch is processed to create corn syrup. These refined sugars are empty calories as they lack any nutritional value. They are often used in soft drinks, as preservatives in packaged food or in the fermentation of bread. Our bodies cannot break down and digest these types of sugars properly, resulting in obesity, diabetes and ill-heart conditions. However, natural sugars (jaggery, fruits, milk) are good in moderation since they are combined with fibers to regulate the blood sugar in our system. Check labels of packaged food for ingredients ending with "ose" (fructose, glucose) to reduce the amount of refined sugars in your life.

Food from animals: When animals have fear, their endocrine glands secrete vast quantities of "fight and flight" hormones that store in their tissues. By consuming any food from animal (chicken, fish, cows), we are ingesting their fears and pain into our body and mind. These negative energies that are now inside us impacts our own health (physical and mental) and spirituality. Also consider the implications of killing animals and eating their dead meat on our karmic lifecycle and environmental eco-system. Eating whole plant based diet will give you the vitality that you need for an optimal journey.

Old fecal matter in colon: After your food breaks down and is absorbed for nutrients, the remaining waste travels through the colon and rectum. If we are stressed or have other bodily impairments (dehydration, lack of fiber, medication side effects), this waste gets stuck to the colon, creating dry fecal matter and toxins in our digestive tract. You may then get constipation, bloating and other digestive issues. The longer this toxic fecal matter stays in our bodies, the more it will negatively impact our physical and mental states. According to Ayurveda, we should be having 1-2 bowel movements daily to eliminate these toxins so that we have optimal health. To remove the old fecal matter, consider drinking lots of water, doing a herbal cleanse and eating healthy fiber-rich food (khidchri, cooked vegetables) and exercising the body.

Black-coloured stuff: Black is a low-energy colour that absorbs all light and is often used to symbolize darkness, fears, and evil. For some, they also view this color as power, authority, formality and mystery. Black usually evokes negativity in moods and emotions or represents the inner state of an individual. Therefore, replacing or discarding black-coloured items in one's surroundings will alleviate the negative energy inside and outside one's world. Also, on the contrary, if a person removes any negative thoughts or emotions that s/he has been carrying for a long time, then that person will automatically want to eliminate the black-coloured items.

Material objects: We tend to purchase alot of material objects that get accumulated in our house and office over time, creating clutter. These spaces are a reflection of your inner state. Therefore it is important to keep your house and office clean, simple and clutter-free by donating objects (old ripped jeans, floppy disks, sentimental gifts from exes) that you no longer need, dispose of any broken or expired stuff and shred old documents (paper bills from 10 years ago). Once you do this, you will sense that the energy in these spaces is lighter and more positive.

Overspending and debts: Due to various reasons such as overspending or increased costs of living, we may have debts and loans. One of the top priorities should be to get out of our financial instability and adopt a philosophy to spend less than we earn so that we can have a more peaceful life. It is important to have a financial plan with specific goals so that we can regulate our spending. Perhaps, one can track their spending and consolidate their debts into one place. Also, reflect on why you are overspending because many times most of our spending could be emotionally-charged, wasteful, or just mindless. These actions will help to save more money and pay off debts quicker. But detoxing your finances, your money habits will recharge your life.

Digital technologies: With the advent of technologies, our digital devices have taken over our lives. We are constantly connected to apps, notifications and messages on our electronic devices (mobile, tablet, computer) and spending an average of 11 hours online. Digital technologies can be great tools if used in moderation and mindfully. Otherwise, think of reasons why are we using our devices almost non-stop - are you comparing yourself to someone on social media? Do you fear of missing out when you don't reply immediately? We are following numerous people that we barely know, responding to emails as though each one is urgent, and playing on apps that give us only a few seconds of high. All this creates an addiction to the digital world, causing anxiety, insomnia, and other health problems. Perform a digital detox by setting boundaries/limits for yourself for using your electronic devices, turning off mobile notifications so that you are not bombarded by them, and unfollowing people that don't add value to your life. Additionally, Adopt a "minimal mindset" by deleting apps/photos/emails that you are no longer need and use airplane mood when reading an ebook or listening to music on your phone so that you don't get easily distracted. These actions will help you to create a simple digital lifestyle.

Disliked workouts: Are you doing a workout that you completely dislike and are forced to do it? If yes, then you need to stop doing it. When you are doing an activity that you don't enjoy, you are creating more frustration for yourself. This defeats the purpose of working out, which is to help remove the negative energy that you may have. Listen to your body and soul and perform workouts or any activities that give you increased energy, better moods and overall vitality.

Toxic people: There might be people in your circle (family members, colleagues, friends) who are always negative, unhappy, and complaining about something. We don't need these people in our lives to stress and sabotage us. We need people in our lives that empower us to be our best version so that we can have an amazing journey on this planet. Therefore, reflect on the people who are constantly making you feel depressed or stressed, and ask yourself why you want to stay connected with them. Once you let go of these toxic people, you will make room for like-minded and inspirational people that deserve to be in your life.

Stressful job: Many times, we work at a job where there are stressful demands. This definitely leads to burnouts and no work-personal balance. People are having more health concerns. Why not take a break from this job (vacation, sabbatical) to perform self-care and to re-evaluate your career and personal goals? You may discover that you have hidden talents and skills or find a new profound interest in starting something of your own (business). Always ensure you engage in work that you are passionate about and that your soul is aligned to. This will bring you much more satisfaction and benefits to your overall health.

Negative words: Words have a powerful effect on our mind and body. Each cell in us reacts in accordance to the words we use and drives our behaviours. If we use positive terms, then they can uplift our personal energy and improve our lives. The energy generated by positive or negative words can actually change the physical structure of an object. Therefore, it is significant to refrain from communicating name-calling and foul language in any context. Even during a self-talk, make sure each statement ("I am wise and peaceful) is consciously said with positive intentions and terms as their energies vibrate throughout us at every level. As well, resist speaking ill about anyone as these negative words will impact your health greatly.

Stagnated emotions: As humans, we can experience life's situation with a variety of emotions (joy, sadness). Like words, our cells are affected by both positive and negative emotions. However, if we are unable to process the negative emotions from trauma and move past them in a healthy manner, then these emotions are stuck within you. This will lead to stress and chronic diseases. You have to make some space to look inwards to determine the root of those stagnated emotions, to re-process them fully and then to release them (forgive or cry if you need to) into the universe. Moving forward, kindness, love and trust will be automatically generated for you!

Living in the past and traumatic memories: When we live in the past, we tend to replay the traumatic memories over and over. This is because these are repressed and stored at a cellular level in the body. Similar to the stagnated emotions, we need to re-process these negative memories by identifying the triggers and re-wiring their responses. There is immense power in letting these painful memories go. As a result, we will be able to experience the beauty of the present moment and the beautiful memories that can be made right now.

Negative and overthinking mindset: Constant negative thoughts and overthinking can create a disruptive and unhealthy mindset. This generates negativity inside us and gets projected into our world through our actions and language. We become stuck in those negative mindset that we aren't able to see the truth objectively. Consider taking an inventory of unhealthy thoughts and make an effort to reframe them in a positive way. Take charge of your mind by thinking about all the things that you are grateful for and absorbing only inspirational positive content. These actions will bring clarity in your thoughts and mindset, allowing you to live a healthy life.

Limiting beliefs: We all have limiting beliefs that we believe are true, such as "I am not good enough for this". They are formed from repeated thoughts due to past interactions. These limiting beliefs keep you stuck in focusing on the negative aspects of the circumstances, and prevent you to realize your full potential. Be aware of your limiting belief and reframe them with positive affirmations ("I am worthy of that love!"). By having a self-compassionate practice, you will be able to eliminate the limiting beliefs and become the best version of yourself possible.

Bad habits: Habits are the repetition of any pattern of behaviour that establishes neural circuits in the brain. Examples of bad habits are overeating on sweets/junk food, smoking and shopping excessively. To break these habits, you need to address the emotional and physical aspects behind them. Ask yourself the motivations behind these habits and observe the sensations that come along with the habits. Then make a conscious decision to reduce or stop them by removing the temptations, and to find new healthy habits as a replacement.

Fears and insecurities: Fears and insecurities can be formulated from past traumas, failures, rejection, loneliness, social anxiety, negative beliefs about yourself. If we hold on to this negative energy from the fears and insecurities, our mental/body/spiritual states are compromised. To overcome our fears and insecurities, we have to establish a strong faith in one's self and the higher consciousness that we are part of. This will help to regain confidence in every aspect of our journey, leading to joy and peace.

Eliminate what does not help you evolve

If you want an infographic image that summarizes these points, you can download it here:



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