As our society celebrates mother's day today, I would like to take this opportunity to honor the feminine energy inside each of us. As you may know, each human, animal, plant and nature are composed of universal energy at the core. Many call this energy soul or spirit or divinity. According to ancient philosophy, this energy has masculine and feminine forces that are in motion harmoniously.
This feminine energy "stands for nurturing our intuition, empathy, wisdom, wellness and purpose. She inculcates values of patience, humility and peace. She brings to light all that has been repressed, denied and suppressed with love and compassion" [1]. The feminine energy is motivated by creation and community. This energy is powerful, intelligent and healing.
For many centuries, this energy has been undervalued, suppressed, mistreated and more. Our society needs to stop this and recognize that we need this energy to function in this universe. We need to have both masculine and feminine energies to co-exist in a balanced manner so that our universe is harmonious.
Today, I want to express my deepest gratitude to the divine feminine energy who is our universal mother.
[1] https://www.elephantjournal.com/2017/03/the-divine-feminine-is-on-the-rise/