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Dear Zindagi!


Updated: Jun 7, 2020

Recently I saw a Bollywood movie called "Dear Zindagi" that caught my interest. It is about a girl named Kaira who has a fear of being abandoned. This fear stemmed from her childhood when her parents left her with her grandparents when she was 5 years old to pursue business in other countries. She continuously sent letters to her parents, asking them when they will return. Unfortunately, she never received a reply. Since then, this fear has impacted her life where she cannot commit to men nor truly want to be with her parents. During her sessions with a psychiatrist, she learns to let go of this fear and to love life once again.

What I like about this movie is that it discusses #mental #health. It can happen to anyone, from the kid next door or a successful educated individual. The main question is what is happening at a spiritual level due to mental health? It means that the individual is disconnected to their positive #energy (ie. inner soul or pure consciousness), and has allowed the negative energy to slowly take over. This energy causes one to move away from the present moment, and let the past memories replay over and over or future anxiety to disturb the individual. The ego, who is responsible for the 'I' identity of the soul, starts to become attached to this negative energy, thus leading to mental health.

In today's society, more and more individuals are experiencing mental health. What can we do as an individual or as a society to conquer mental health? One can do any activity where negative energy is released and is connected to the soul. This includes deep breathing, exercising, doing hobbies, watching funny movies, surrounding with happy people, sending positive intentions, and more! Let's help everyone who has mental health to make this world a joyous place!

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