I re-read the article below that explains the scientific reasons behind many Indian traditions:
This article reminded me of the reasons behind many Indian traditions. I find that over time, society is not much interested in upholding them as they don't understand the deeper scientific or values they bring to our lives. People are told to just practice these traditions without fully comprehending them. However, this article is a great reminder of the values they bring into our lives. I believe that many things that Indians performed and followed 5000 years ago were very spiritual and scientific. If we see everything in this universe as #energy, then we can equate this to be scientific. For me, ever since I saw life as energy, everything just made more sense to be. All our thoughts, actions and objects are forms of energy that are flowing in our illusion (i.e. maya). We need to Just let this energy flow - the minute that it isn't flowing, a blockage will occur in our soul (which is a bundle of energy). And this negative energy can lead to many numerous issues, such as negative psychic impressions (i.e. samskaras) and illnesses. We need to #purify ourselves to remove all negative energies so that we are connected to our divine self. There are many ways to purify oneself, such as deep breathing, raw eating, meditating, and maintaining healthy relationships (or activities mentioned in the article's link above). The "purer" we become, we will then be able to manifest an illusion that is very peaceful and blissful, and we can then fulfill our true purposes in life. That basically sums up life for me!