For the past many years, I have been part of a project where we #build a #product from conception to launch. This entails many aspects of product management, such as gathering requirements from multiple stakeholders, writing specifications and use cases, working with the technical team to implement tactical activities, and supporting end users. As the first phase of this project has come to an end, I have been reflecting on what it takes to build a robust IT product. Here are my suggestions for building the best product possible.
Know exactly why you are building the product: It is very significant to know why you are building it and to truly believe in it. Only then users will utilize this product and other stakeholders will support the product development. The product needs to have a strong purpose and reasons as to why it is being built. Once these have been established, then the product owner must align all the product’s activities to them.
Have the technical team interact with the end users of the product: In many cases, it helps to have both teams (i.e. technical and end users) to meet with each other regularly. This will help them to understand each other’s needs and position clearly and may help to solve problems quickly regarding the product.
Conduct several usability tests with the end users: Since we are building the product primarily for the end users, we have to keep them engaged to ensure that their needs are being met correctly. With regular usability tests, any potential issues can be identified and the users can provide feedback quickly. As a result, this will reduce costs and time in the long-term, and will enhance their user experience.
Keep in mind the power of simplification: Over time, a product can get complicated and the number of connecting components can increase as the requirements grow. If possible, make the interface and under-the-hood logic simple and clean. And minimize the number of connecting components to the main application so that it won’t be impacted if any downtimes or changes occur with these components.
Take a village to build a product: Building a product touches many areas, such as marketing, operational support, and technical. Thus, it is important to have great relationships with all the stakeholders involved in this product as it is dependent on this village of contributors!
Say no to certain requests: Many times, multiple stakeholders will submit numerous product requests that can conflict with other functionalities or without knowing the ins-outs of the product like a product owner would. As well, they may not understand the true scope of how their requests fit with the long-term product roadmap. If a stakeholder insists on a request, always question them why it is vital to implement, and then analyze if it truly aligns with the product vision and strategy. If it doesn't, you must be strong and say no!
Write clear and detailed specifications documentation: It is extremely beneficial to write clear and detailed specifications document as it will be your reference guide if people ask details about the product (in case you forget!) and will be the foundation for many other associated documents (e.g. training manual).
Master your domain: In order to be able to build a great product, you really have to be committed to master your knowledge and skills in the domain of the product. Try your best to constantly master it by performing various market research, seeing what are the latest technologies, or talking to industry leaders.